Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Gardens, St. George's, Grenada, W.I.
Fax: +1 (473) 440-4116

Emergency Services

Police - 911
Headquarters, Fort George - +1 (473) 440-3999
Fire - 911 / +1 (473) 440-2112
Report Sexual Abuse - 400
Domestic Violence - 411
Rapid Response - +1 (473) 439-1231
Coast Guard - 399 / +1 (473) 444-1931
Child Abuse Protection - 677
Birchgrove - +1 (473) 438-5860/ +1 (473) 438-5861
Carriacou & Petite Martinique - +1 (473) 443-7482
Central - +1 (473) 440-2244
Gouyave - +1 (473) 444-8224
Grand Roy - +1 (473) 444-8225
Grenville - +1 (473) 442-7224
Hermitage - +1 (473) 442-9445
Sauteurs - +1 (473) 442-9224
St. David - +1 (473) 444-6224
St. Paul's - +1 (473) 440-3224
Union - +1 (473) 442-9225
Victoria - +1 (473) 440-3224
SSU Point Salines - +1 (473) 444-4999
General Hospital - +1 (473) 440 2051
Princess Alice Hospital - +1 (473) 442-7251
Princess Royal - +1 (473) 443-7400
Animal Rescue - +1 (473) 440-4874
Praedial Larceny - 300 / +1 (473) 435-0300
General Hospital - 434
Princess Alice - 724
Princess Royal - 774
Grenada Electricity (Grenlec) - 237
NAWASA - 292
NaDMA - +1 (473) 440-0838

Government of Grenada

The State of Grenada consists of three islands- Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique which form the southern end of the Windward Islands.

  • Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Gardens, St George’s, Grenada W.I.
  • +1 (473) 440-2255